Take me
Take me in your hand
Draw a pretty picture
Go on
Take me
Go on
It’s been so long
Take me
It’ll make things better in the end
Take me
Go on
Upon me you shall depend
Take me
Go on
Cut deep this time
Cut in a place that they’ll never find
Take me Go on
Draw a pretty picture
Go on
Take me
Go on
It’s been so long
Take me
It’ll make things better in the end
Take me
Go on
Upon me you shall depend
Take me
Go on
Cut deep this time
Cut in a place that they’ll never find
Take me Go on
It started with a razor
As tears run down her face,
she realized she’s made a mistake.
An utter suffocation,
she’s trying to hold on.
But the pain,
the pain’s to strong.
The bloods running down her wrist
Her eyes are going shut
but she’s trying to hold on
while voices in her head are saying something is going wrong.
She doesn’t know where she is or even why she did it.
It started with a razor and a few little cuts.
But became addictive and she cut to much.
Now she’s laying on her bed,
wishing she could go back.
As the world disappears and everything goes black.
she realized she’s made a mistake.
An utter suffocation,
she’s trying to hold on.
But the pain,
the pain’s to strong.
The bloods running down her wrist
Her eyes are going shut
but she’s trying to hold on
while voices in her head are saying something is going wrong.
She doesn’t know where she is or even why she did it.
It started with a razor and a few little cuts.
But became addictive and she cut to much.
Now she’s laying on her bed,
wishing she could go back.
As the world disappears and everything goes black.
Lost Innocence
This young girl kept from sight
crying into the middle of the night
she fears that others will sense the shame
but was this girl really too blame?
this little girl who was full of belief
could not from him seem to find relief
she feels so dirty with her clothes which are tore
when she is being flung on the bedroom floor
this broken child lost her innocence at a very young age
through a trusted mans deliberate drunken rage
her little broken heart was full of pain
through the rest of her life it would stain
people would see the bruises that lay upon her face
she wanted and longed for her special place
while he was looking around
this little girl couldn’t make a sound
she couldn’t have her own bed
he would be there touching her instead
taking her clothes off he would touch
this haunted her little heart so much
she just wanted him to understand
but instead she got the back of his hand
night after night she endured this pain
never to be happy ever again
this little angel from above
could not find the slightest inch of love
this mountain of unnoticed fear
went on year after year
while she was crying silent tears
he was tucking into some beers
why would no one come to her aid
day after day her happiness would fade
this went on for so, so long
and no one thought that this was wrong
this little girl that no one could save
she longed for her peaceful grave
crying into the middle of the night
she fears that others will sense the shame
but was this girl really too blame?
this little girl who was full of belief
could not from him seem to find relief
she feels so dirty with her clothes which are tore
when she is being flung on the bedroom floor
this broken child lost her innocence at a very young age
through a trusted mans deliberate drunken rage
her little broken heart was full of pain
through the rest of her life it would stain
people would see the bruises that lay upon her face
she wanted and longed for her special place
while he was looking around
this little girl couldn’t make a sound
she couldn’t have her own bed
he would be there touching her instead
taking her clothes off he would touch
this haunted her little heart so much
she just wanted him to understand
but instead she got the back of his hand
night after night she endured this pain
never to be happy ever again
this little angel from above
could not find the slightest inch of love
this mountain of unnoticed fear
went on year after year
while she was crying silent tears
he was tucking into some beers
why would no one come to her aid
day after day her happiness would fade
this went on for so, so long
and no one thought that this was wrong
this little girl that no one could save
she longed for her peaceful grave
Tonight I weep in response of fear,
I can’t seem to stop my uncontrollable cries.
That death is in grasping range from here,
That death is closer than I realize.
I can barely make out objects,
Because the tears are flowing so fast.
Every time I seem to figure out a concept,
My memory fades and it doesn’t last.
So I sit here with a knife in my hand,
Wishing away my pain.
Trying to comprehend and understand,
These thoughts that drive me insane.
I go down my wrist with a shaky start,
and as I finish that mark it doesn’t feel so bad.
So I add another and watch the skin part,
Then stop myself of the cure that keeps me from being sad.
I hurry and stop the bleeding,
Before it starts to get out of control.
The tears continue down my face in lines just streaming,
I can’t believe I’ve done this, I really sunk myself down low.
Even though it eases my pain
For a little while,
I have nothing to gain,
From my actions that are so vile.
I know I need to stop hurting myself,
and get some serious help.
But my soul feels trapped on a dusty shelf,
crying out with every scream from all the pain I’ve ever felt.
So if you would just come and rescue me,
And save me from my decisions.
I’m sure that I could come to be,
The happy girl that I envision.
I can’t seem to stop my uncontrollable cries.
That death is in grasping range from here,
That death is closer than I realize.
I can barely make out objects,
Because the tears are flowing so fast.
Every time I seem to figure out a concept,
My memory fades and it doesn’t last.
So I sit here with a knife in my hand,
Wishing away my pain.
Trying to comprehend and understand,
These thoughts that drive me insane.
I go down my wrist with a shaky start,
and as I finish that mark it doesn’t feel so bad.
So I add another and watch the skin part,
Then stop myself of the cure that keeps me from being sad.
I hurry and stop the bleeding,
Before it starts to get out of control.
The tears continue down my face in lines just streaming,
I can’t believe I’ve done this, I really sunk myself down low.
Even though it eases my pain
For a little while,
I have nothing to gain,
From my actions that are so vile.
I know I need to stop hurting myself,
and get some serious help.
But my soul feels trapped on a dusty shelf,
crying out with every scream from all the pain I’ve ever felt.
So if you would just come and rescue me,
And save me from my decisions.
I’m sure that I could come to be,
The happy girl that I envision.
Smärta Jag står framför
spegeln och tittar
på mig själv.
Det smärtar. Det gör
så ont.
Ångesten har varit
med mig hela dagen och hållit min kalla hand.
Min enda vän som förstår varenda ord
som kommer ur min mun.
Min enda vän som förstår min varje tanke.
Denna förbannelse som håller mig sällskap i min andra hand börjar bli varm.
Mina händer är varma.
Om och om igen låter jag den smeka mig.
Den där onda tingesten. Förbannelsen.
Den skiner i månskenet.
Den ger mig fruktansvärt plågsamma minnen.
Om och om igen smeker den mig.
Snart faller jag ihop.
Jag kan inte sluta titta på mig själv
där jag står framför spegeln.
Rösten inom mig kommenderar
den fula förbannelsen att fortsätta sin resa.
Fram och tillbaka.
Fram och tillbaka.
Om och om igen.
Smärtan kommer smygande.
Denna svidande smärta
som bringar mig onda tankar.
Det gör så ont men likt förbannat njuter jag.
Eller är det verkligen jag som njuter?
Kanske är det den kommenderande rösten
som njuter?
Jag sätter mig ner på stolen intill mig
och gungar sakta fram och tillbaka.
Saken som orsakat mig svedan
och smärtan faller ifrån mig.
Mina tårar rullar tyst nerför mina kinder
och jag känner mig utmattad.
Alldeles slut.
Smärtans hånfulla leende
tvingar mig upp från stolen
för att på nytt ställa mig framför spegeln
och börja om
Om och om igen..
Fram och tillbaka..
Cut at Will
A pathetic statement reaches my lips,
I swallow it down, bit by bit.
I bite my tongue so they won’t know,
The stories that I have left untold.
The pain sends me into ecstasy,
they’ve taken everything else from me.
The blade is always there,
to lift the agony that I bare.
The razor is my only friend,
It’s always there in the end.
It doesn’t laugh, taunt, or tease,
It’s only use is to please.